THE EFFORTS SURVEY WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 1 FEBRUARY 2021. Follow this link. This will allow us to gather more information and will permit EFFORTS to optimize it’s data on the impact our sector has in Europe.This survey aims to start the first quantification of the socio-economic impact of fortification heritage in Europe. The survey on … Continue reading Efforts 2020-2021 Socio-Economic Survey
Due to the COVID19 measures in force in Europe, the 3nd EUROPEAN FORTRESS DAY will be again organised in SEPTEMBER 2020 (the Open Monument Days month) and, exceptionally this year, along the lines of a special concept. All sites and organisations are invited to show, to present their summer actions coping with the Covid-19 crisis, … Continue reading 2020 EFFORTS EUROPEAN FORTRESS DAY: SEPTEMBER 2020!
EFFORTS Member Fortress of Culture Šibenik (Croatia), partnering with EFFORTS member Herceg Novi (Montenegro), the City of Banja Luka (Bosnia-Herzegovina), the City of Karlovac (Croatia) and the Municipality of Bar (Montenegro) presents the EU project FORTITUDE (Historical Fortresses Intensifying cross-border Tourism Development - Interreg IPA Cross border cooperation) This 1.618.438,72 EUR project runs from March … Continue reading FORTITUDE Interreg and EFFORTS
Cultural Heritage in action
EFFORTS is proud to present the selection of Fortress of Culture Šibenik (HR) and the City of ‘s Hertogenbosch (NL) as Cultural Heritage in Action laureats. As one of the 30 selected cities, both EFFORTS members now have the opportunity to be one of the 12 cities to host an online or in-person peer-learning visit, … Continue reading Cultural Heritage in action
ILUCIDARE award for EFFORTS Member ‘s Hertogenbosch bulwark
On 28 May, the European Commission and the ILUCIDARE Consortium, including Europa Nostra announced the shortlisted projects for the first ILUCIDARE Special Prizes, selected within the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2020. The European projects that are selected are outstanding examples of heritage-led innovation and international relations. One of the shortlisted projects is … Continue reading ILUCIDARE award for EFFORTS Member ‘s Hertogenbosch bulwark
Efforts 2020 Workshop
In October, in the framework of the EU Week of Cities and Regions, together with EFFORTS member ‘s Hertogenbosch and the EU digital research project Time Machine, EFFORTS presents its annual European Funding Professionals Network workshop. See the flyer hereby:
Survey on online accessibility of cultural heritage
In line with the EFFORTS workshop, the EU Heritage News announces that the European Commission is evaluating the Recommendation of 27 October 2011 on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation to make sure it still fits the needs of the cultural heritage sector. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has made the … Continue reading Survey on online accessibility of cultural heritage
Efforts member community
After 2 years of presenting board members and important actors in EFFORTS, we are now changing this section into the presentation of our community members. Through our work in the Balkan region and the Interreg Europe FORTITUDE project, we are happy to welcome in 2020 Herceg Novi (Montenegro) in the EFFORTS community ! Herceg Novi … Continue reading Efforts member community
Investing in Europe’s next generation by investing in culture
As the EU has started discussing the proposed recovery plan, 99 organisations from across Europe’s cultural and creative sectors are uniting their voices to alert EU leaders. EFFORTS co-signed the open letter to the European Council, Commission and Parliament. The European cultural sector needs strong and systemic sup¬port measures to recover from this crisis. Hereby … Continue reading Investing in Europe’s next generation by investing in culture